Correlation Engine Query API Overview


The Correlation Engine Query API provides a REST-based API to access various Illumina services, such as:

  • Autocomplete. Find biological terms that begin with a set of letters. The terms can optionally be limited to specific types of terms (e.g., genes or compounds).
  • Data correlations. Find studies and biosets correlated with genes, biogroups, tissues, compounds, diseases, and biosets.
  • Literature search. Find articles associated with your search term. Also find other frequently occurring terms associated with your search term.
  • Atlases. Directly query Body Atlas, Disease Atlas, Pharmaco Atlas and Knockdown Atlas with your search terms.

You can also use APIs to access bioset details, GWAS data, genome build information, ontologies and much more.

API results are available in either XML or JSON. Try out the Correlation Engine API using the interactive API toolbox or the Swagger API.

Read full documentation on the Correlation Engine Query API (PDF).

API Keys

To use the Correlation Engine Query API, you must obtain an API key. Each key is associated with one Correlation Engine account, and will provide access to all data associated with that account, including your enterprise and private data. This key should be protected, as it provides access to your account.

Click here to obtain a Correlation Engine Query API key.

The Autocomplete service requires a separate key from the remainder of the Query API. Since Autocomplete is frequently used directly from a browser using JavaScript, users of your application could get access to your key. Providing a separate Autocomplete key will prevent someone who obtains this key from accessing your account.

Click here to obtain a Correlation Engine Autocomplete API key.

After you have obtained your keys, you may try the API here